Wednesday 19 March 2008

Back to the start

Well - here we go again on another blog attempt. Third time lucky? Maybe...

Life is a general melee of work, love, motherhood and food. Trying to find the balance to create a happy me. Perfect job (haha)- what career to choose for a start. I think I may end up as one of those people who spend most of their lives trying to figure out which career is right only for it to have passed by while I was sitting behind some desk slowly going mad with boredom. That said, maybe the one, fantastic business idea will pop into my head at the right time and I'll create my own work life. Anyone who knows a good careers advisor please point me in the right direction.

Motherhood - there's a whole load to talk about in one little word. How your life can change so dramatically and continue to do so. It makes you reassess every aspect of your life and instead of getting answers, I tend to get another heap of questions. What's my aim in writing this blog...I don't know to be honest. At the moment I'm typing whatever is coming into my head. Perhaps I'm looking for clarification. A way to organise my thoughts into neat files to delve into for future reference. I never was one for reading what I had written.

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